Western US Fat Bike and Snow Bike Race & Event Calendar (UT, ID, MT, NV, AZ, CO, WY, NM)

2025 Western States (ID, WY, MT, NV, CO, AZ, CA, NM) Fat Bike and Snow Bike Races and Rides Event Calendar

January 5, 2025Rat Bike Face… (a Fatbike Race!), Glenwood Springs, CO, Calling all fat tire fanatics! Sunlight Mountain Resort is bringing back fat bike racing to Glenwood Springs for the 2021/22 season!� We are working with our local fat bikers on the course right now! The course will incorporate everything you love about fat biking. Groomed trails, gorgeous aspen groves, heart pounding uphill’s, white knuckle descents and fun…tons of fun! Stay tuned for course maps and such. We strongly encourage costumes and we will have a prize for the best one! We will also be holding a raffle at the end of the race so all participants have a chance to walk away with something sweet! Oh ya and for all you fast men and women out there we will be giving away lift tickets and custom schwag to all of the top finishers., Steven Novy, 970-309-2023, snovy@greenlinearchitects.com, runsignup.com/Race/CO/GlenwoodSprings/RatBikeFace

January 10-12, 2025JayP’s Backyard Fat Bike Pursuit 200km or 200 mile, JayP’s Backyard Series, Island Park/West Yellowstone, ID, 2 Distances- 60 km or 200 km. These endurance events take on an expedition feel and you will need to have outdoor winter camping skills., Jay Petervary, 307-413-2248, jaypetervary@gmail.com, fatpursuit.com

January 18, 2025Bristlecone Birkebeiner Winterfest, Ely, NV, Fat bike races, ski races, and more, Ward Mountain Recreation Area, North Trailhead, Ely Outdoors , elyoutdoorenthusiasts@gmail.com, elyoutdoorenthusiasts.org/bristlecone-birkebeiner.html

January 24-26, 2025Borealis Fat Bike World Championships , Crested Butte, CO, 10th annual Borealis Fat Bike World Championships. Join us for 3 days of races, demos, great beer, and excellent times!, Fat Bike Worlds , info@fatbikeworlds.org, fatbikeworlds.org

February 1, 2025Fat & Flurious Fat Bike Race, Center, ND, Kick off your cycling goals with the Fat & Flurious and celebrate the winter cycling season with us. New for 2024 we will be utilizing the cottonwood covered trails along the Missouri River at the Cross Ranch State Park, which means packed groomed trails., Melissa Marquardt, 701-221-9833, melissa@701cycleandsport.com, www.701cycleandsport.com

February 12, 2025Frisco Freeze Fat Bike Race, Frisco, CO, Held at the Frisco Nordic Center. This is your one chance this winter to ride your fat bike on the Frisco Nordic trails for this 12 mile loop., Linsey Joyce, 970-668-9133, linseyj@townoffrisco.com, townoffrisco.com/event/nordic-center-events/frisco-freeze-winter-bike-race/

February 15, 2025Stanley Winterfest 40 Fat Bike Fondo, Stanley, ID, This challenging 30k or 40k event winds through exciting and varied terrain located within the beautiful Sawtooth National Recreation Area.� Come for the event, stay for music fun�and food, CJ Sherlock, 208-412-8343, 208-774-8343, whitecloudcad@gmail.com, stanleyfatbike.com

March 14-16, 2025The Drift Fat Bike Race and Ride, Pinedale, WY, Run, fat bike or ski 13, 28, or 100 miles. Held on a groomed trail in the Wind River Range in the area of the Continental Divide Trail, Keri Hull, 907-306-9806, keri.koger@gmail.com, thedrift100.com

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